No one likes getting woken up earlier than expected. Most people see it as rude, and it puts them in a very bad mood. However, sometimes emergencies happen while we are sleeping and not expecting them. This is what makes them emergencies after all. You aren’t happy that your brother just woke you up, but it was for a good reason. He was just arrested and needs your help.
Your brother, understandably, wants you to help get him bailed out of jail. Nobody wants to be in jail, and he is quickly understanding why. You lose your freedom, and many of your basic rights, such as privacy. He may have woken you up in the middle of the night, but you’re not going to let that stop you from helping him.
You set to work trying to find a bail agent that is available at this time of night. That is when you stumble upon Pride Bail Bonds in Nashville. We are a statewide bail bond company with bail agents who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can talk to one of our agents at any time either over the phone, or online through the chat feature on our website. No matter which method you choose, one of our agents will be there for you.
Our agents will always be there to answer your questions about bail and help you post someone’s bail. All they need to get started is your brother’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. This small amount of info can be used to locate your brother in the county jail system in order to gather his case information. Once that is done, we will be able to fill out the paperwork and send the bail bond to the jail.
Once the bail bond is sent to the jail, it is only a matter of time until your brother is released from jail and you are able to go back to sleep. With Pride Bail Bonds in Nashville helping you, your brother can be out of jail in as short as two hours in some counties. You don’t have to worry about the time, our agents are always available.